beginning in 1942

A small group of believers stepped out in faith — in a season of incredible uncertainty — and started what would become Mission Hills Church. If we could travel back in time 83 years and tell them all that God has done, they would be amazed at how far beyond their imaginations God has taken this church.

Over the last 83 years, God has brought more than 5,000 people to a saving knowledge of Jesus through our weekly ministries, camps, and special events. We have celebrated as more than 2,500 people have been baptized. We have sent out more than 4,000 people to spread the Gospel around the world. And God is only accelerating our impact! It took 83 years to reach those incredible milestones, but we fully expect to see all of those numbers double in only the next 10!

Looking to 2042

Seventeen years from now, Mission Hills will celebrate our 100th anniversary — a milestone that invites us to dream about the future. Imagine a Front Range where every person lives within 10 minutes of a healthy church. That’s the vision guiding us — to be a church that is playing a catalytic role in bringing the hope of the Gospel to our communities in powerful, tangible ways.

Beyond isn’t just about funding a project; it’s about fueling a movement. A movement of Christians living boldly on mission with Jesus. This is our chance to shape a future where everyone has the opportunity to encounter his love and grace.

A Message From Pastor Craig

Church, our 100th anniversary is on the not-too-distant horizon. As I think about this significant milestone, I find myself nearly overwhelmed by the legacy of our church and how God has used us on the Front Range and around the world over the past 83 years. The only emotion that eclipses my gratitude for our past is anticipation of our future.

We say all the time at Mission Hills Church: this isn’t about numbers. Every number has a name. Every name has a story. Every story has an ending. And every ending has a sequel: heaven or hell. Unfortunately, there is an ever-widening gap between the overall population and the Christian population of the Front Range. There is an epidemic of apathy towards faith here and, sadly, most churches are plateaued or declining in their impact.

We believe God is calling Mission Hills to play a catalytic role in changing that.

Beyond is a campaign to accelerate our impact on the Front Range and around the world, not only through our church but through strengthening, inspiring, and equipping other Gospel-advancing churches.

We believe that, if someone could travel back in time from 17 years in the future, when Mission Hills turns 100 years old, and tell us all that God has done in those coming years, we would have just as hard a time believing it as those people in 1942 would.

Craig Smith
Lead Pastor


A Message From Pastor Craig

Church, our 100th anniversary is on the not-too-distant horizon. As I think about this significant milestone, I find myself nearly overwhelmed by the legacy of our church and how God has used us on the Front Range and around the world over the past 83 years. The only emotion that eclipses my gratitude for our past is anticipation of our future.

We say all the time at Mission Hills Church: this isn’t about numbers. Every number has a name. Every name has a story. Every story has an ending. And every ending has a sequel: heaven or hell. Unfortunately, there is an ever-widening gap between the overall population and the Christian population of the Front Range. There is an epidemic of apathy towards faith here and, sadly, most churches are plateaued or declining in their impact.

We believe God is calling Mission Hills to play a catalytic role in changing that.

Beyond is a campaign to accelerate our impact on the Front Range and around the world, not only through our church but through strengthening, inspiring, and equipping other Gospel-advancing churches.

We believe that, if someone could travel back in time from 17 years in the future, when Mission Hills turns 100 years old, and tell us all that God has done in those coming years, we would have just as hard a time believing it as those people in 1942 would.

Craig Smith
Lead Pastor


This Is About Fueling a Movement

To fuel our existing ministries and to expand their impact, we need to raise $29 million over the next two years.

The additional $24 million allows us to make strategic capital investments that will increase our impact and significantly speed up the advancement of the Gospel here on the Front Range and around the world.

$53 Million